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Action Advocacy
Centennial Celebration
History Project
Voter Service & Membership
Members Area

Thank you for your support!


Here are some highlights from the first half of 2024:


  • For the March primary election, we informed over 5000 voters with Candidate Forums, Pros & Cons, videos, Vote 411 and Vote with the League.  Our refreshed and dynamic website received over 500 views just on the day before the election.

  • We celebrated our Centennial -  one hundred years of empowering democracy in Oakland - with 150 friends and members at a sold-out event in the Camron-Stanford House garden.

  • We worked intensively with our coalition to advocate, during mid-cycle city budget negotiations, for funds to implement Oakland’s Fair Elections Act (passed by more than 70% in 2022).

  • We facilitated and encouraged public comment in City Council meetings, consistent with our focus on transparency, accountability and public access.

  • We advocated for changes to our City Charter to account for lessons learned during the redistricting efforts of 2021-22.

  • Our YOUth Decide team assisted with student-led Voter Registration events at 3 high schools along with their foundational presentations on why Voting Matters to 300+ students. 


For the general election in November, we will inform voters by reaching out to community organizations, sponsoring candidate forums, producing and distributing paper and digital voter guides, explaining ballot measures in videos, presentations & newsletters, updating our website, and further educating voters on Ranked Choice Voting.  As funding allows, we will increase our impact through translation services and technical support.​


Please look at our volunteer opportunities and committee page to see if there is a role or committee you are interested in. We are 100% volunteer organization and we need you!

A significant portion of your membership fee also supports the important public policy and advocacy work of the Leagues at the national and state levels. These Leagues also put great effort into challenging voter suppression and promoting nonpartisan redistricting.  Your membership support plays a critical role.

New Members

New Members start here!

Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events

Reference Materials

Reference Materials

Committee Meetings

  • Monthly Action Committee (1st Tues of each month)

    • contact via our form for more info

League of Women Voters Oakland

P. O. Box 11055, Oakland, CA 94611

The League of Women Voters is a tax-exempt organization under 501c3 of the Internal Revenue Code.  Contributions are tax deductible to the full extent permitted by law.

EIN: 94-6093433

© 2023 by LWVO. Created with

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