Each year the terms of about ½ of the members of the League’s Board of Directors expire.
This year the terms that are expiring are president, programs committee chair, communications committee chair, secretary, and webmaster/mistress. People elected to fill these positions would serve from June 2023 until June 2025.
The LWVO Nominating Committee invites members and friends of the League to share with them ideas about potential League leaders.
Would you be interested in one of these positions? Do you know a League member, or someone interested in becoming a League member, who might consider serving on the Board of Directors?
People who serve on the League’s Board of Directors participate in strategic planning and setting organizational goals that guide the League’s work to fulfill its mission:
v To encourage informed and active participation in government,
v To increase understanding of major public policy issues,
v To influence public policy through education and advocacy
Board members
· Take part in a two-hour evening board meeting each month – currently via Zoom
· Spend a minimum of two to three additional hours a month in committee work
· Agree to follow the League’s non-partisan policy
· Participate in the League’s public programs and fundraising activities
Send us an email with your thoughts, suggestions, and questions.
Nomination Committee: Bonnie Hamlin, Chair; Carmen Murray and Pat Schwinn – members elected to the committee at last June’s Annual Meeting; Ernestine Nettles and Gail Wallace – appointed by the Board of Directors as the two Board representatives on the Committee.