Your government works on many levels, city, county, state and national. One branch usually has primary responsibility in one service area. Here are examples:
Level Examples of Primary Responsibilities (some are shared responsibilities)
<City Police, fire, sanitation, parks, libraries, streets
County Health care, social and mental health safety nets, public protection
State Executive, legislative & judicial branches: Elections, environmental protection, transportation, criminal justice
Federal Executive, legislative & judicial branches: Economic policy, international relations, civil rights, immigration, disaster relief>
Government responsibility is shared between executive and legislative branches.
In the City of Oakland the executive branch is the Mayor and the City Administrator who manages all city departments. The Mayor is the elected official responsible for all city services. The operating officer who is an employee of the City of Oakland is the City Administrator. On a daily basis, department heads report to the City Administrator (
City Council. The legislative branch is the City Council whose eight (8) members are elected in seven geographic districts plus one At Large seat. Find your City Council representative based on your address here:
Other citywide elected officials and their responsibilities are:
The City Auditor conducts performance audits, examining the accuracy and effectiveness of City Department programs and operations and provides recommendations for corrective action. The Auditor maintains a confidential whistleblower hotline. The Auditor is also responsible to report on the impartial analysis of all ballot measures, informing constituents of the financial impact of proposed voter-approved legislation.
The City Attorney provides legal counsel to the City of Oakland, its employees, officers, agencies, boards and commissions. In this capacity, the OCA drafts ordinances, resolutions, contracts and other legal documents requested by city officials and departments, reviews the form and legality of all city contracts and represents the city in litigation matters. The City Attorney is responsible for ensuring there is a “true and impartial description of each ballot measure’s provisions."
In addition to the executive and legislative branches, the residents of Oakland are served by over 40 appointed boards and commissions. (
Examples are:
Public Ethics Commission
Community Police Review Agency as well as other governmental agencies, each with a specific area of responsibility.
The Port of Oakland Commission ( is unique in that the Board of Port Commissioners has exclusive control and management of the Port of Oakland.
Others are elected, such as, the Board of Education for Oakland Unified School District:
You can find your school board member by going to:
Oakland is part of Alameda County. For information about Alameda County government:
You can find your County Supervisor here
Oakland also has representatives on the following countywide public agencies:
Alameda County Board of Education (find your trustee:
Alameda County Transit District
Oakland is represented by the following regional agencies or bodies:
Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART)
East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD)
East Bay Regional Park District
Peralta Community College District:
For information about California State government:
For information about U. S. federal government:
Congress and
Copy of “Who Represent Oakland?” can be downloaded below or at your local public library