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Do Your Research

What's New? Make a Plan! | Get Ready to Vote | Do Your Research

What's on My Ballot | Candidate Forums | Ballot Measure Pros & Cons

Neighbor to Neighbor | Vote with the League


Ballot Measure Pros & Cons

Candidate Forums


LWVO organizes candidate forums for local elections, often in partnership with other local organization.  Learn more about the Candidate Forums--including schedules, registration, and post-event recordings.

Ballot Recommendations—Vote with the League!

See LWV's recommendations on statewide and local ballot measures!

Neighbor to Neighbor Program

Talk to your neighbors and share ideas!  Participate in our grass-roots, voter education Neighbor to Neighbor Program!


LWVO Training and Presentations:

  • Ballot Measure Pros/Cons.  Is your community group looking for objective information about Oakland ballot measures? Trained representatives of LWVO are eager to speak to schools, churches, companies, neighborhood associations, and other groups.  Presentations are unbiased and present opposing points of view on issues; they are designed to give voters the information they need to make up their own minds.  To inquire about a pro/con presentation, email Helen Neville at  

  • Voter Registration.  League members can provide virtual training on how to register to vote. Members of your organization who attend this training will learn how to register voters and/or train others in the organization how to do it.
    Contact:  Peggy Graybill: or Carmen Murray:

Other Resources

Voter Education Fliers and Tip Sheets 

LWVO partners with local community organizations to spread the word about voting and elections.  Check out the resources we provide!

Election Safety and Campaign Financing





League of Women Voters Oakland

P. O. Box 11055, Oakland, CA 94611

The League of Women Voters is a tax-exempt organization under 501c3 of the Internal Revenue Code.  Contributions are tax deductible to the full extent permitted by law.

EIN: 94-6093433

© 2023 by LWVO. Created with

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