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Before Noon July 5 - Contact City Council on Campaign Finance Reform

On Tuesday, July 5, the City Council will vote on a resolution to place campaign finance reform on the November ballot. The specific change gives each Oakland resident four $25 vouchers to use to support the candidates of that voter’s choice. The Oakland League in partnership with Common Cause, the ACLU of Northern California and a large coalition of community-based organizations urges you to contact the City Council to support putting the measure on the November ballot so the voters can choose. The vouchers will support candidates who do not have connections to the larger contributors—those who currently are the overwhelming majority of donors in Oakland. In the past several years, a similar Seattle voucher program made campaigns of candidates viable, candidates who would not have run otherwise. Vouchers have engaged more Seattle residents of diverse socioeconomic, racial and ethnic groups and they stay engaged. Transparency is a part of getting big money out of politics, so the proposal for Oakland campaigns also:

a. increases disclosure of independent expenditures (contributions made outside campaign reporting);

b. strengthens limits on lobbying by former city officials; and

c. sets lower caps on contributions from individuals and groups.

We urge you to contact the City Council now!

Use the comment button for agenda item14-022579 at this link to contact the full City Council to support this measure and automatically make your voice part of the public record.

Or contact the full City Council by regular email to Note “Agenda 14-022579 in the subject line.

Read more about this issue here in the Resources section of our website.

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