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Honor Roll of LWVO Volunteers 2023


Aleece Tkachuk*

Allene Warren

Anna Mathai*

Anne Symonds

Annmarie Hallin

Beth Hodess

Bonnie Hamlin

Brooke Levin

Carmen Murray

Cheryl Ajirotutu

Claire Murphy

Cynthia O'Malley*

Debbie Weinstein

Deborah Shefler*

Deleign Thompson

Dondrea Morgan*

Elisabeth Eisner Forbes

Elizabeth Falkner

Ernestine Nettles*

Fiona Jackson

Gail Kong

Gail Wallace*

Gen Katz

Georgia Maslowski

Gwen Knighten-Smith

Helen Hutchison

Helen Neville

Jane Felice

Jacqueline Jelincic

Jeanine Jensen

Jenn Caban

Jesse Kadjo

Joan Straumanis

Judy Proller

Julie Bernas-Pierce

Karen Ivy

Karen McLennan

Kathleen Cha

Liane Campodonico

Linda Miller

Liz Hartka

Lori Lieneke

Louise Anderson*

Louise Rothman-Reimer

Lucia Laniecki

Madeleine Dy

Mary Bergan

Mary Weinstein

Meg Bowerman

Mira Agarwal

Nanci Clifton

Pat Williams*

Patricia Arabia

Peggy Graybill

Peggy Lipper

Petra Brady

Phyllis White-Ayanruoh

Randi Voorhies

Rosalee Schubert

Roxanne Romell

Sandy Venning

Selma Meyerowitz

Shivani Grover

Suzie McLean

Tamara Sherman

Trisha Gorman

Viola Gonzales

* Current member of the Board of Directors

League of Women Voters Oakland

P. O. Box 11055, Oakland, CA 94611

The League of Women Voters is a tax-exempt organization under 501c3 of the Internal Revenue Code.  Contributions are tax deductible to the full extent permitted by law.

EIN: 94-6093433

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