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and ballot measure pros and cons on LWVO YouTube in Spanish and Chinese.
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LWVC Easy Voter Guides are available in English, Spanish, Chinese, Korean, and Vietnamese.
Resources Guides: Spanish Election Resources & Chinese Election Resources
Candidate Forums
Watch the recordings of the candidate forums to hear their answers.
City of Oakland race's are ranked-choice voting (RCV), learn more about RCV.
Election Race (Candidates Link) | Date & Time | Recording Link |
Oakland Mayor | March 15, 2025 1:00 PM | TBD |
Oakland City Councilmember, District 2 | March 15, 2025 11:30 AM | TBD |
Election Race (Candidates Link) | Date & Time | Recording Link |
Election Race (Candidates Link) | Date & Time | Recording Link |
Election Race (Candidates Link) | Date & Time | Recording Link |
Election Race (Candidates Link) | Date & Time |
Learn more about the Candidates running for and the responsibilities of each office.
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Pros & Cons
Explains the individual ballot measures and summarizes
the major arguments both FOR and AGAINST.
Your vote matters. Your vote is your power. Check out to get ready for this Election Day and stand up for what matters to you. Campaign Finance included this year to allow voters to follow the money!
LWVC Easy Voter Guides are available in English,
Spanish, Chinese, Korean, and Vietnamese.
Vote With The League
We never recommend an individual party or candidate, we will take positions on
issues and associated ballot measures after significant study and discussion.


When the League has studied an issue in depth and members have voted for a position on that issue, the League may support, oppose or remain neutral on ballot measures
When the League has not studied an issue in depth or adopted a position, it makes no recommendation
The Oakland hills and adjacent areas are at very high risk of wildfires. Measure MM asks owners of properties in this sector to fund wildfire prevention as they have twice previously in 1992-97 and 2004-14. For the first time, there would be a comprehensive plan, the 10-year “Vegetation Management Plan” adopted by the City Council in 2024, to guide the use of revenues. In addition to being used to manage the vegetation which fuels fires, revenues would also support the maintenance of evacuation routes, enhanced patrols on days of high risk, ongoing inspections of individual homes, and public education. This special tax would provide resources to address the significant and growing risk of wildfires for property owners in the area identified as the Wildfire Prevention Zone. VOTE YES ON MEASURE MM

Oakland Measure MM
Wildfire Prevention in Oakland Hills
Ten years ago, we recommended voting for Measure Z, the renewal of a parcel tax and parking fees to support police, fire and violence prevention services. We hoped for a coordinated public safety effort that documented the effectiveness of its strategies. Those hopes have not been realized, but we acknowledge that new challenges arose from the COVID pandemic, new forms of criminality, and struggles to effectively staff and deploy Oakland’s police forces. Once again, we recommend voting for a renewal of this tax in hopes that lessons learned, stricter requirements for data driven investments, and a mandate of four-year plans coordinating city-wide efforts will yield the desired results. Our recommendation also takes into account that loss of these tax revenues would have serious impacts given Oakland’s current budgetary challenges. We do have concerns. Bringing this measure to the ballot as an initiative may have been strategic because it lowers the bar for passage to 50%+1. However, we deeply regret that this strategy also foreclosed public input and legislative debate. Further, the measure imposes a significant tax increase while leaving unspecified what the particulars of the four year public safety plans will be. VOTE YES ON MEASURE NN

Oakland Measure NN
Police, Fire, Violence Prevention
Resources for the Public
Ethics Commission
The Oakland Public Ethics Commission was established to enforce Oakland’s government ethics, campaign finance, disclosure, and lobbyist registration laws. Measure OO allows the Commission to update its rules of governance and to add an additional investigator effective mid- 2026 to better manage the Commission’s increased investigative load. Measure OO strengthens the Commission’s independence in several ways, including by preventing the City from reducing the Commission’s minimum staffing levels. Measure OO also amends the Lobbyist Registration Act to say that lobbyists may not offer gifts or incur expenses of more than $50 annually in favor of elected officials, candidates or their families. We support giving the Commission the staffing and authority to function effectively and aligning its procedures with current professional standards. VOTE YES ON MEASURE OO

Oakland Measure OO