Election November 2022
Pros & Cons
Explains the individual ballot measures and summarizes the major arguments both FOR and AGAINST.
Candidate Forums
Meet the Candidates running for each office and ask them questions
AC Board of Education - 2nd Trustee
AC Board of Supervisors - District 4
AC Board of Supervisors - District 5
CA Assembly District 14
CA Assembly District 18
CA State Senate District 7
US 13th Congressional District
Ranked Choice Voting
The Basics
What is Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) and why is it used?
A system where voters choose their first- , second-, third-, fourth- and fifth-choice candidates for each office. It eliminates the cost and time needed for run-off elections.
How long has RCV been used in Oakland?
It was implemented starting in the 2010 Elections.
Other Details
What if I rank the same candidate multiple times?
Your ranked vote will only count once per candidate, so it is the same as leaving the choices blank.
Need more information?
Go to acvote.org/voting/rcv
How Does It Work?
Round 1 of Vote Count
If a candidate receives more than 50% of the first-choice votes, that candidate is declared the winner.
Round 2 of Vote Count
If there is no winner from Round 1:
First, the candidate with the fewest
first-choice votes is eliminated from the count -
Second, the voters whose votes were eliminated have their second-choice votes added to the count
If any candidate now has more than 50% of the counted votes, that candidate is declared the winner
Rounds 3 to 5 of Vote Count
If there is no winner from from Round 2, a similar elimination and counting continues until one candidate receives over 50% of the counted votes.
To reiterate...
2nd choice counted, only if 1st choice eliminated
3nd choice counted, only if 1st & 2nd choice eliminated
4th choice counted, only if 1st, 2nd, & 3rd choice eliminated
5th choice counted, only if 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th choice eliminated
Who are we electing?
Here are the most important responsibilities of local elected officials.
Each has a link where you can learn other important details.
Office of the Mayor
is elected for a four-year term and can only serve two terms.
appoints the City Administrator, an employee, who is responsible to run City services like police, fire, parks, recreation centers, libraries and city streets. (City Council approves this person)
recommends programs, laws and a budget to the City Council.
nominates residents to many commissions that provide oversight to important services.

City Councilmember
Districts 2, 4, & 6
Oakland is divided into seven districts. Each district has one Councilmember with a four-year term. In addition, one City Council member is elected by the whole city, “at large.”
The Council sets policy for City departments, can change local laws (called ordinances) for things like zoning, permits and licenses or local taxes. The City Council approves City contracts and the City budget.

OUSD Board Member
Districts 2, 4, & 6
Oakland Unified School District is divided into seven districts.
Board directors are elected to work as a team with the superintendent to ensure students have access to a quality education. They set direction, adopt and monitor a budget, oversee the superintendent and advocate for children, the school district and public schools
County Supervisor
Districts 2, 4, & 6

Oakland is in Alameda County. The County has five districts. Each district has a Supervisor who is elected for a four-year term.
appoints the County Administrator, who is an employee who runs the day-to-day operations for county services, such as public health, mental health, social services, probation, child support, public defender and elections.
adopts the budget, approves contracts (including
District Attorney

The District Attorney charges and prosecutes criminal violations of the laws of California. Prosecutions are in such areas as felonies (like murder, homicide, manslaughter, rape, assault and aggravated battery) and fraud (like consumer, real estate, mortgage, insurance, medical and financial fraud) and crimes against elders and dependent adults, and environmental protection.
Peralta Community College District Trustee
Districts 3, 5, & 7

The Community College District is comprised of Laney and Merritt Colleges in Oakland, College of Alameda, and Berkeley City College.
The Community College District is managed by a Governing Board of seven Trustees. Trustees serve 4-year terms. Each Trustee is elected by Area. Parts of Oakland are represented in Areas 3, 5 and 7
The Board hires the Chancellor, who is the chief executive, and is responsible for educational quality and financial health of the colleges in the District.
REGIONAL GOVERNMENT: Alameda and Contra Costa Counties
Many important public services are governed by independent elected bodies that have authority beyond Alameda County.
AC Transit Board Member
At-Large and Ward (District) 3

Directors serve four-year terms. There are no term limits.
Directors set the budget, set policies and manage services to keep buses
operating. These include hiring a General Manager and General Counsel,
setting salaries and benefits and managing labor negotiations.
EBMUD Board Member
Wards (Districts) 3 & 4

East Bay Municipal Utilities District (EBMUD) provides safe and adequate drinking water and wastewater treatment services in Alameda and Contra Costa Counties.
Oakland votes on Wards (Districts) 3 and 4 of a seven-member Board. Directors serve four-year terms.
The Directors set rates, manage the budget and staff responsible for EBMUD services and facilities.
Vote With The League
We never recommend an individual party or candidate, we will take positions on issues and associated ballot measures after significant study and discussion.


When the League has studied an issue in depth and members have voted for a position on that issue, the League may support, oppose or remain neutral on ballot measures
When the League has not studied an issue in depth or adopted a position, it makes no recommendation
Measure T
Progressive Business Tax
Measure U
Affordable Housing and Infrastructure Bond
Measure X
Govt Reform Charter Amendments
Measure S
Non-citizen Voting
Measure R
Gender-neutral language
Measure V
Expanding Just Cause for Eviction Ordinance
Measure Y
Oakland Zoo initiative
Measure W
Fair Elections Act
Measure Q
Article 34 - affordable housing authorizations
Measure H
OUSD: Measure N Extension