Democracy is not a spectator sport! Become a Member (or Renew)
Change to Our Membership System:
Starting on 2/3/25, all Leagues of Women Voters across the country are switching to LWV's new membership portal, ChapterSpot.
Please feel free to use our current system between now and 2/3 by clicking on a link below or following the instructions for mailing a check.
Thank you for considering joining the League, at a time when many Americans across the political spectrum think that democracy is on the line. Your membership dues will help support educating Oakland voters to make informed choices as well as advocacy across city and county government.
A significant portion of membership dues also support the important work of the League of Women Voters at the national, state and Bay Area levels.
You fund the development, printing and distribution of voter education materials to thousands of Oakland residents
You "keep the lights on" for local, regional, state, and national Leagues
You support internships and memberships for others
You can vote on League education and advocacy priorities, budget, and leadership
You gain access to members-only notices and invitations
Membership levels allow anyone to participate regardless of individual financial circumstances.
Join or Renew Online **
Please choose one:
You set the dues at an amount that fits your budget; we'll cover the balance.
Share your appreciation of the League by empowering a new member to explore all that membership offers.
As of 7/1/24, we have removed the "Sustaining $100" membership level. For more information on why, please see our blog explaining it.
Please also consider making a donation. We depend on donations to allow us to engage with Oakland voters and to expand our education and advocacy work here in Oakland.
** Please note that the form for renewals is the same as new memberships, to give you a chance to update any information that may have changed.
Join or Renew by Mail
​Download, print and complete this Membership Form.
Mail the form and your payment to:
League of Women Voters of Oakland
P. O. Box 11055, Oakland, CA 94611