Special Election 2025
On April 15, 2025, Oakland is having a Special Election to elect a Mayor and City Councilmember for District 2, and decide on a Sales Tax measure.
Candidate Forums
Join us to learn more about the candidates running this April, including their priorities, policies, and ideas for improving life in Oakland. The candidates will answer questions posed by a moderator that are both prepared in advance and taken from the audience. The League of Women Voters always invites all eligible candidates in each race to participate.
The candidate forums will be televised by KTOP, Oakland’s cable access station, and live streamed on the City’s website. To view the televised forums:
Tune in to KTOP channel 10 on Xfinity Comcast or channel 99 on AT&T U-verse
Watch it streaming online at oaklandca.gov/oakmtg
The forums will also be recorded and can be viewed later on the LWVO’s website or YouTube channel.

Let us know you are coming!
Please note registration is not required. The forums are free and open to the public. RSVPing gives you the chance to save the event to your calendar, and receive reminders and a notice of any changes to the schedule.
Candidates Running for Oakland Mayor & City Council, District 2 (CC D2)
Mayoral Candidates | Campaign Website |
President Cristina Grappo | |
Tyron C. Jordan | |
Barbara Lee | barbaralee4oakland.org |
Peter Liu | |
Mindy Ruth Pechenuk | electmindy.com |
Suz Robinson | |
Eric Simpson | |
Elizabeth Swaney | standupoakland.com |
Loren Manual Taylor | lorenforoakland.com |
Renia Janeen Webb | webbforoakland.com |
CC D2 Candidates | Campaign Website |
Rev Kenneth Anderson | |
Harold Lowe | |
Kanitha Matoury-Nguyen | kanithaforoakland.com |
Kara Murray-Badal | |
Paula Nelson | |
Charlene Wang | charleneforoakland.com |